Hodnotil uživatel Farah N.
Overall a good experience; the cod fish dish was not well balanced, but all other dishes were well executed and the dess...
Zavřeno – Otevírá se v 19:00
Hodnotil uživatel Farah N.
Overall a good experience; the cod fish dish was not well balanced, but all other dishes were well executed and the dess...
Près du Carreau du Temple, cette discrète table est le royaume de Daï Shinozuka, japonais installé en France et ancien de chez Camdeborde.
Il réalise là dans cet écrin au style traditionnel et chaleureuse, une cuisine qui allie les classiques français et les techniques de son pays, pour un résultat personnel et réussi.
Hodnotil uživatel Farah N.
Overall a good experience; the cod fish dish was not well balanced, but all other dishes were well executed and the dess...